Lovingmylife’s Weblog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

Bye Bye old blog March 20, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovingmylife @ 9:34 am

I’m changing my blog.  I like using blogger because of the options

here is the site to my new and improved blog

Ross family

and here is the actual address



Busy Busy March 16, 2009

Filed under: Jonathan,Kylie,My life — lovingmylife @ 6:32 pm

We have a busy week ahead of us. While Jonny is finishing up with school and tests, I’m preparing the house for our trip to Vegas.  I’m determined to scrub the entire house and have the all the laundry done by Friday.   I also have to go shopping and get some clothes for Kylie. She hit a growth spurt and doesn’t fit in anything, so I have to find some good deals and buy almost a whole new wardrobe for her.


My Baby Girl March 13, 2009

Filed under: Kylie — lovingmylife @ 7:25 am

Kylie is 16 months! Its really hard for me to grasp the fact that my baby girl is turning into a toddler.  She is growing so fast and learning new words and gestures every day. She absorbs everything she sees, and its so neat to watch her learn and experience new things.

Here is my cutie-pie with a big cheesy hot dog grin



Scary Night March 11, 2009

Filed under: a ramble,Jonathan — lovingmylife @ 5:05 am

Night time is really hard for me to sleep so I’m usually awake on the couch watching T.V or reading a book.  Last night as I got up to the restroom, I saw a dark figure of a  man in our backyard patio reaching for the sliding glass door. I screamed as loud as I could and ran into the bedroom to wake up Jonny. Jonathan immediately opened the bedroom window and starting yelling as loud as he could while I grabbed his phone and called 911.  We heard the guy shout something as jumped over the neighbors fence. The police came, took my statement and investigated around the house and back yard.  The most scary part about all of this was the sliding glass door was unlocked!! If I hadn’t spotted the dark figured man when I did, who knows what could of happened.  I am so grateful that we had family home evening early that night and the spirit was strong in our home.  I know that Heavenly Father was watching over us last night and we are blessed that something worse didn’t happen.


Another Hurdle March 8, 2009

Filed under: baby #2,Jonathan,Kylie,My life — lovingmylife @ 8:33 am

Kylie was diagnosed with alpha thalassemia when she was first born.  Its a blood disorder that affects the normal production of hemoglobin which causes low iron. She hasn’t had to take any medication  and its not severe at this point.    We don’t know if Jonny and I are both silent carriers.   If we are, there is a 25% chance that my pregnancy won’t go to full term.  The baby’s blood would be so mutated that there wouldn’t be any production of hemoglobin and would cause utero.

My last doctor appointment after the doctor listened to the heartbeat, he felt my uterus and said “Hmmm” he felt again and asked if  I was eating enough. I told him I was eating about 2ooo calories a day and asked him what was wrong. He said my uterus was smaller that usual for being 26 weeks along.  I remembered when I went in for my ultrasound and the technician said that the baby was small and pushed my due date 2 weeks back.  He told me that he is concerned that the baby isn’t growing fast enough and wants to start monitoring his/her growth a little more extensively.

Now I freaked out!! I’m doing all my research about the blood disorder and driving myself crazy in the process.  I’m calling the doctor on Monday and see if I can get blood work done on the baby and myself.


anxious March 3, 2009

Filed under: baby #2 — lovingmylife @ 5:41 pm

The next couple of months I will be watching my nephews brand new baby girl in the mornings. I cannot believe how much I miss having a tiny infant in my arms.

I am so ready to have this baby!