Lovingmylife’s Weblog

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Pictures February 22, 2008

Filed under: Kylie,pictures — lovingmylife @ 5:13 am

Here are some pictures of Kylie with her daddy and Aunties

Aunt Sarah

Aunt Courtney




Filed under: Kylie,My life,pictures — lovingmylife @ 4:47 am

I went in for another round of steroid injections. blah!!

I think its probably the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. The doctor says that I should start feeling better within two weeks.

I’ve had alot of help with the baby from family and friends since Jonny is either at school or work and I don’t trust myself to take care of her by myself when I’m on pain meds.

I am truly grateful for everyone who has helped us these past two weeks.

my sweet baby

Mommy and Kylie


Resplendent February 16, 2008

Filed under: My life,pictures — lovingmylife @ 10:23 am

Valentines day was a hurried and fun day yesterday, Jonathan showed me his mad cooking skills and prepared a 6 course meal.  Watching him scurry around the kitchen getting all the food ready was a real treat for me to  watch. We had to do our date early in the day and still squeeze in some time for Jonny to catch a nap before work. He did a amazing job. I’m in love with him more than ever.

He is the sweetest husband ever!!!!
showing some love

A Scary Night Alone February 11, 2008

Filed under: My life — lovingmylife @ 1:35 am

            We all know houses make strange sounds, especially in the first couple of years while they’re settling; they creak and groan, the lights buzz, etc. Normally this isn’t a big problem, but for restless and light sleepers the same sounds we hardly notice during the day, are amplified during the wee hours of the morning. Add to the mix a dark and stormy night, and a sissy twenty-something year old mother of one, alone in bed for the first time in two years and those otherwise harmless-albeit annoying- noises begin sounding more and more like burgalars on the roof and druggies snooping around outside the living room windows. This was the case for me late Thursday night (not the burgalers on the roof or druggies outside, but the house making strange sounds). Jonny was working a night audit at the Inn America by the airport, Kylie was sleeping peacefully in her room and I was biting my fingernails and hiding under the covers for added security against the unexplained noises reverberating from the walls. By 3:00 AM I worked up enough courage to sprint from our bedroom door, through the living room, and into the nursery where I snatched up Kylie and ran back to my room with more fervor than when I came. Things got a little easier with my baby in the same room as me, but somehow I knew, if something were to happen, not even Kylie’s stinky diaper would offer adequate protection against determined invaders.

            I called Jonny. He assured me that it was just the house and the wind, but just to be safe and to put my mind at ease he would send me some support. He called his younger brother, who, thanks to his delirious sleep-deprived state, agreed to come check out the house at three in the morning. William arrived with his red rider BB gun and began systematically searching the home for signs of forced entry. He crouched behind couches, and darted around corners until he deemed the premises secure, then he made a fort in the living room with blankets and kitchen chairs, just to be on the safe side. Okay that last part I made up. In actuality he came by, had a look around and crashed on the couch till Jonny got home. Still, the other version was a lot more exciting.


Something Else February 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — lovingmylife @ 1:12 am

 My childhood friend who was 20 something weeks pregnant went into premature labor and had a beautiful little boy who unfortunatly passed away. We are keeping her and her family in our prayers. This got me thinking about my testimony. I am so blessed to be sealed to my family, sometimes I look at my child through teary eyes and think of how much I love that perfect little girl.  We will be together forever. I am so grateful for my husband, whose testimony is so great and is growing every day. He is my personal hero, he is my light in this sometimes lurid world, my companion and my best friend.  Our future together is bright.


I actually felt good enough to attend all the meetings at church yesterday. It was my first time in relief society. All the women took turns holding Kylie and adoring her. I have plenty of offers for babysitters. Yeah!!  We watched the super bowl on our projector and had fun watching all the funny commercials. It was a blast.

Right now I have butterflies in my stomach, I have to go in to get steroid injections later and I’m so flipping scared of needles. I’ve been having problems ever since I gave birth to my baby. I was allergic to the stitches and in result I had a bad infection. All of my muscles became tense and are in defense mode.  The infection is gone but my muscles haven’t relaxed. My doctor is going to try a light steroid with a numbing mixture to see if it will calm things down. I go through three rounds of that. If that doesn’t work, they will take me to the operating room and see if they can get things to work surgically.

Let’s just say I’m not that excited about any of it. It sucks, and I’m scared. I don’t like the idea of being put under. To make matters worse, I’m doing it alone. Jonathan will be at school and I need someone to watch the baby so my in-laws won’t be available, and my parents live in Oregon. I’m sure that one of my siblings would definitely come but it would be a little awkward considering the circumstance. Ha ha ha

Anyways, I have a little girl who is in desperate need of a diaper change. I better stop writing and take care of it.



new purchase

Filed under: Kylie — lovingmylife @ 1:05 am

Kylie is starting to show us her personality lately. Part of that great personality is that she refuses to be away from Mommy. Its hard to get things done around the house while trying to entertain a little baby.  We went to Babies-R-Us and bought a backpack to put her in. I LOVE IT!! I can actually get the laundry and dishes done. I can vacuum and dust. The best part of it all is that she loves it too. She likes looking around and bouncing from room to room. She falls asleep very easily. I don’t like to wake her up so I slip the back pack off my neck and put it down with her still in it. I’m still trying to figure out how to get her out without waking her up. For now, she remains in the pack for her nap time.




Undecided February 2, 2008

Filed under: My life — lovingmylife @ 7:06 pm

Today we went and saw Obama at the Taco Bell Arena.  He had some intriguing views on some things that hit close to home. I’ve never been the once who has been big in politics, but this upcoming election I really have some strong feelings towards who is going to be our next president.

We are currently at the Ross home picking up Ky (her grandma was watching her this morning) and watching the Prophets funeral. Its been a sad day. I can’t seem to get out of this slump I’ve been in ever since he passed away on Sunday.  I’m actually feeling well enough to attend church tomorrow. YEAH!! Hopefully that will pick my spirits up.