Lovingmylife’s Weblog

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It’s official….sorta November 3, 2008

Filed under: Jonathan,My life — lovingmylife @ 6:08 am

We were suppose to be keeping it to ourselves for another 5 weeks but today at Kylie’s bday party, someone accidently spilled the beans about me being pregnant…he he

So yes…we are pregnant!!  I’m not offically celebrating until I get my second checkup to make sure everything is doing okay.  With having two miscarriages in a row, its a little hard to get excited over this when your not over the 12 week bump.

So please everyone cross your fingers and hope for the best… but we are not technically celebrating until 12 weeks.




3 Responses to “It’s official….sorta”

  1. Melissa Says:

    I know it’s hard not to worry and fret over any pregnancy, especially one that happens after a miscarriage (or two). I was so scared while pregnant with Braden (my little miracle after three losses), but I finally just had to relax, leave things in Heavenly Father’s hands, and enjoy my pregnancy the best that I could. I worried a lot during his pregnancy, but it came with the added bonus that I cherished his pregnancy a lot more as well. There is nothing like miscarriage or infertility to make you truly grateful for the miracle of pregnancy. In I lot of ways, I took my first three get-pregnant-right-when-we-want-to pregnancies for granted. I was so grateful for each of them, but it wasn’t until after my miscarriages and my bout with infertility that I truly realized what a miracle pregnancy is. I also gained a testimony that these spirits come when Heavenly Father wants them to come! Braden and Asher, my post-miscarriage baby and my Clomid baby, taught me a lot.

    Anyway, I am happy for you and sort of glad that the “cats out of the bag,” even though it was fun to be one of the few in on such an exciting secret! You are and will continue to be in my prayers! We love you… all FOUR of you!!! 🙂

    Melissa 🙂

  2. KATIE Says:


  3. audrey Says:

    Congrats! I hope all goes well for you and your family!

    Audrey (amazingaudri on Cafemom)

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